Avelino Corma教授 西班牙巴伦西亚理工大学 西班牙皇家科学院院士 美国国家工程院外籍院士 电话:+34 96 3877824 电子邮件:acorma@itq.upv.es |
Avelino Corma,西班牙瓦伦西亚理工大学化学技术研究所教授,他致力于酸碱和氧化还原催化的基本方面,旨在了解活性部位的性质和反应机理。利用这些碱,已经开发出可在几种工业方法中商业使用的催化剂。
1974 瓦伦西亚大学化学科学学位
1976 马德里康普顿斯大学化学博士学位
2017 中国政府友谊奖
2016 国际沸石协会IZA奖
2016 皇家化学学会斯皮尔斯纪念奖
2014 阿斯图里亚斯亲王技术与科学研究奖
2012 GarcíaCabrerizo基金会授予的发明荣誉勋章(西班牙)
2011 法国科学院大勋章
2010 化学研究职业奖章(2001-2010) 2010 埃尼奖
2010 皇家化学学会一百周年奖
2010 罗地亚·皮埃尔·吉尔斯·德·根尼斯科学与工业奖(现为索尔维奖)
2009 Bourdart先进催化奖
2009 A. V. Humboldt - J. C. Mutis研究奖
2008 美国化学学会催化创新研究Gabor A. Somorjai奖
2006 墨西哥科学与技术国家奖
2006 德国德西玛 Alwin Mittasch奖
2006 法国化学学会Paul Sabatier奖
2006 伊比利亚美洲催化学会联合会奖(FISOCAT)
2005 西班牙皇家化学学会金奖
2004 国际沸石协会(IZA)布雷克奖
2002 美国催化学会应用催化Eugene J. Houdry奖
2001 欧洲F. Gault “催化”奖
2000 “新技术”Jaime I国王奖
2000- 《Dalton Transaction》 编委
1999- 《Journal of Catalysis》 编委
1997- 《Catalysis Sciences, Technology, and Innovation》 编委
1997- 《Chemical Communications》 编委
1997- 《Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics》 编委
1996- 《Catalysis Technology》 编委
1996- 《Japanese Catalysis Surveys》 编委
1995- 《Molecular Catalysis》 编委
1. F.R. Fortea-Pérez, M. Mon, J. Ferrando-Soria, A. Leyva-Pérez, A. Corma, J. M. Herrera, D. Osadchii, J. Gascon, D. Armentano, E. Pardo, “MOF-Driven Synthesis of Ultrasmall Palladium Clusters and Their Unique Reactivity for Carbene–Mediated Reactions”, Nature Mater. 2017, 16, 760-766.
2. E.M. Gallego, M. T. Portilla, C. Paris, A. Leon-Escamilla, M. Boronat, M. Moliner, A. Corma, “Ab initio” synthesis of zeolites for preestablished catalytic reactions”, Science 2017, 355, 1051-1054.
3. G.D. Feng, P. Cheng, W. F. Yan, M. Boronat, X. Li, J. H. Su, J. Y. Wang, Y. Li, A. Corma, 3. R. R. Xu, Yu, J. H. “Accelerated crystallization of zeolites via hydroxyl free radicals”, Science 2016, 351, 1188-1191.
4. L.C. Liu, U. Diaz, R. Arenal, G. Agostini, P. Concepcion, A. Corma, “Generation of subnanometric platinum with high stability during transformation of a 2D zeolite into 3D” Nature Mater. 2017,16, 132-138.
5. Garcia-Garcia, J. M. Moreno, U. Diaz, M. Bruix, A. Corma, “Organic-inorganic supramolecular solid catalyst boosts organic reactions in water” Nature Commun. 2016, 7, 10835.
6. T.Rodenas, I. Luz, G. Prieto, B. Seoane, H. Miro, A. Corma, F. Kapteijn, I. X. Llabres, X. Francesc, J. Gascon, “Metal-organic framework nanosheets in polymer composite materials for gas separation” Nature Mater. 2015, 14, 48-55.
7. A. Leyva-Perez, A. Domenech-Carbo, A. Corma, “Unique distal size selectivity with a digold catalyst during alkyne homocoupling” Nature Commun. 2015, 6, 6703.
8. M.Mifsud, S. Gargiulo, S. Iborra, I. Arends, F. Hollman, A. Corma, “Photobiocatalytic chemistry of oxidoreductases using water as the electron donor” Nature Commun. 2014, 5, 4145.
9. R. Martinez-Franco, M. Moliner, Y. Yifeng, S. Juliang, W. Wei, X. Zou. A. Corma, “Synthesis of an extra-large molecular sieve using proton sponges as organic structure-directing agents” Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 2013, 110, 3749-3754.
10. A. Corma, P. Concepcion, M. Boronat, M. J. Sabater, J. Navas, M. Yacaman, E. Larios, A. Posadas, A. M. Lopez-Quintela, D. Buceta, “Exceptional oxidation activity with size-controlled supported gold clusters of low atomicity” Nature Chem. 2013, 5, 775-781.
11. J. Oliver-Meseguer, J. R. Cabrero-Antonino, I. Dominguez, A. Leyva-Perez, A. Corma, “Small Gold Clusters Formed in Solution Give Reaction Turnover Numbers of 107 at Room Temperature” Science 2012, 338, 1452-1455.
12. A. Leyva-Perez, A. Corma, “Similarities and Differences between the "Relativistic" Triad Gold, Platinum, and Mercury in Catalysis” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012, 51, 614-635.
13. J. Jiang, J. L. Jorda, J. H. Yu, L. Baumes, E. Mugnaioli, M. J. Diaz-Cabanas, U. Kolb, A. Corma, “Synthesis and structure determination of the hierarchical meso-microporous zeolite ITQ-43” Science 2011, 333, 1131-1134.
14. A. Corma, P. Serna, “Chemoselective Hydrogenation of Nitro Compounds with Supported Gold Catalysts” Science 2006, 313, 332-334.
15. A. Abad, P. Concepción, A. Corma, H. García, “A collaborative effect between gold and a support induces the selective oxidation of alcohols” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2005, 44, 4066-4069.