在J. Alloys Compd. J. Magn. Magn. Mater,Ceram. Intern.,J. Magn. Magn. Mater.等物理学领域领先期刊上发表了200余篇论文。获授权专利5项;主编著作1部。
1. Pressure-induced magnetic switching and linkage isomerism in K0.4Fe4[Cr(CN)6]2.8 16H2O: X-ray absorption and magnetic circular dichroism studies. G.V. Bukin, S.A. Terekhov, A.B. Gaspar, G.G. Levchenko J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130, 46, 15519-15532
2. Influence of structure defects on functional properties of magnetoresistance (Nd0.7Sr0.3)1?xMn1+xO3 ceramics. A. V. Pashchenko, V. P.Pashchenko, V. K. Prokopenko, G.G. Levchenko Acta Mater. 2014, 70, 218-227
3. Synthesis and Characterization of a New Series of Bistable Iron(II) Spin-Crossover 2D Metal–Organic Frameworks. G.G. Levchenko, V. Martinez, A. Gaspar, M.Carmen-Mu?oz. Chem. Eur. J. 2009,15,41, 10960-10971.
4. Charge Transfer, Change of the Spin Value, and Driving of Magnetic Order by Pressure in Bimetallic Molecular Complexes. G.G.Levchenko, L.V.Berezhnaya, G.G.Filimonov, W.Han. // J. Phys. Chem. B - V. 122 (26). - P. 6846 – 6853 (2018).
5. Pressure Effect Studies on the Spin Transition of Microporous 3D Polymer [Fe(pz)Pt(CN)4]. G.Levchenko, A.B.Gaspar, G.Bukin, L.Berezhnaya // Inorg. Chem. V. 57 (14). P. 8458 – 8464 (2018).
6. Modification of multifunctional properties of the magnetoresistive La0.6Sr0.15Bi0.15Mn1.1-xBxO3-δ ceramics when replacing manganese with 3d-ions of Cr, Fe, Co, Ni . A.V.Pashchenko, N.A.Liedienov, V.P.Pashchenko, V.K.Prokopenko, V.V.Burhovetskii, A.V.Voznyak, I.V.Fesych, D.D.Tatarchuk, Y.V.Didenko, A.I.Gudymenko, V.P.Kladko, A.A.Amirov, G.G.Levchenko.// J. Alloys Compd. V. 767. P. 1117 – 1125 (2018).
1. Piston sealing detail for the friction pair piston-cylinder V.F.Drobotko, A.I.Kasyanov,G.G.Levchenko No.59909,2011
2. Optic piezometer for integrated research on solids, liquids and viscous plastic materials at high pressures S.A.Sokolov, V.A.Sukmanov, N.N.Sevatorov, G.G.Levchenko, A.I.Kasyanov et al. No.54309,2010
3. The high-pressure chamber for Messbauer research G.G.Levchenko, V.G.Ksenofontov,A.I.Kasyanov, P.N. Postol, S.A. Terekhov, L.V. Berejnaya No.42807,2009
4. High pressure cell for SQUID measurements on weakly magnetic substances G.G.Levchenko, . No.6512,2005
5. High pressure cell for carrying out magnetic measurements at low temperatures G.G.Levchenko, No.58040 ,2003