Professor Gennadi Milinevsky
Professor of International Center of Future Science& College of Physics, Jilin University 2699 Qianjian Street, Changchun 130012, China Tel & fax: (+86) 431-85166853 E-mail: milinevskyi@jlu.edu.cn, genmilinevsky@gmail.com Research Area: Atmospheric Physics Specialties: Atmosphere research. Climate change processes and their impact to ozone layer and ecosystems. Climate change and ozone hole dynamics impact on Antarctic ecosystem. Radioactive contamination impact on environment and ecosystem. Space technique and methods for aerosol remote sensing.
Prof. Gennadi Milinevsky is the professor of International Center of Future Science and College of Physics, Jilin University, the Principal Scientist of Atmosphere Optics Department in Main Astronomical Observatory National
Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and the Principal Scientist of National Antarctic Scientific Center of Ukraine.
He received his BS (1969), MS (1974), Candidate Degree (1980) and Doctor of Science Degree (2002) from Kiev State University T.G. Shevchenko, and worked as the head of Space Physics Laboratory Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv during 2008-2022. He was awarded the Medal "For Service" II Stage and the Fedorov Prize of the National Academy of Sciences in 2021 in Ukraine.
His main research interest is atmospheric research, polar research, and remote sensing technology. He has co-authored over 270 research papers including Remote Sensing, Atmosphere Chemistry and Physics, Climate Dynamics, Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science, Atmosphere, Antarctic Science, etc. He obtained 4 authorized Patents and published 4 books. He also has extensive practical experience in Antarctic expeditions. He played a key role in the event that the United Kingdom transferred Faraday Antarctic Base to Ukraine in 1996 that was renamed as Akademik Vernadsky station. He also provided the Antarctic scientific research for many years, and served as the Head of the Ukrainian Antarctic scientific Expeditions three times. He was the winner of the Special Contribution Award to Akademik Vernadsky Station, and the Presidential Award of Ukraine. Currently, he serves as the Member of the American Geophysical Union, Member of the International General Capacity Building Panel, Associate Editor of Remote Sensing Journal, Associate Editor Frontiers in Satellite Missions, etc.
2002 Doctor of Science Degree, Kiev State University T.G. Shevchenko
1980 Candidate Degree, Kiev State University T.G. Shevchenko
1974 M.S., Kiev State University T.G. Shevchenko
1969 B.S., Kiev State University T.G. Shevchenko
2022- Professor of International Center of Future Science and College of Physics, Jilin University
2019-2022 Principal Scientist of the National Antarctic Scientific Center of Ukraine
2016-2022 Principal Scientist of Atmosphere Optics Department in Main Astronomical Observatory National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
2006-2022 Head of Space Physics Laboratory Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (TS NUK)
2003-2006 Leading researcher of Space Physics Laboratory TS NUK
1990-2002 Head of Space Physics Laboratory TS NUK
1982-1990 Senior researcher of the Faculty of Physics of the KSU
1976-1982 Senior engineer of the Faculty of Physics of the KSU
1974-1976 Engineer of the Physical Faculty of the Kyiv State University (KSU)
Professional Membership
Member of American Geophysical Union (since 1990)
Member of European Geosciences Union (since 2014)
International Scientific Advisory Board "Antarctic Wildlife Research Fund" CCAMLR (since 2014)
International Panel for the proposal evaluation on Antarctic research 2020
International General Capacity Building Panel, CCAMLR (since 2019)
Guest Editor for Polar ozone and Polar Cloud for International Atmosphere MDPI Journal
International Panel for the proposal evaluation on Antarctic research call 2020, Academy of Finland. Helsinki.
Executive Editor of scientific Ukrainian Antarctic Journal (UAJ)
Associate Editor Frontiers in Satellite Missions
2021 Medal "For Service" II Stage
2021 Fedorov Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
2016 Special Contribution Award to Akademik Vernadsky Station
1998 Presidential Award of Ukraine
Research Interest
1. Stratosphere, tropopause, ozone layer and ozone depletion, aerosol in the atmosphere, planetary waves.
2. Climate change processes and their impact to ozone layer and ecosystems.
3. Climate change and ozone hole dynamics impact on Antarctic ecosystem.
4. Radioactive contamination impact on environment and ecosystem.
5. Space technique and methods for aerosol remote sensing.

Selected Publications
Coauthored over 270 papers in international journals, including Remote Sensing, Atmosphere Chemistry and Physics, Climate Dynamics, Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science, Atmosphere, Antarctic Science., etc., 4 books, and 4 patents.
1. Milinevsky G. and Danylevsky V. Atmospheric aerosol over Ukraine region: current status of knowledge and research efforts // Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2018, 6, 59.
2. Milinevsky G., Evtushevsky O., Klekociuk A., Wang Y., Grytsai A., Shulga V., Ivaniha O. Early indications of anomalous behavior in the 2019 spring ozone hole over Antarctica. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2020, 41, 7530–7540. doi:10.1080/2150704X.2020.1763497.
3. Milinevsky G., Evtushevsky O., Klekociuk A., Wang Y., Grytsai A., Shulga V., Ivaniha O. Early indications of anomalous behavior in the 2019 spring ozone hole over Antarctica. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2020, 41, 7530–7540. doi:10.1080/2150704X.2020.1763497.
4. Syniavskyi, I.I., Danylevsky, V.O., Oberemok, Y.A., Ivanov, Y. S., Osypenko, R.S., Sosonkin M.G., Milinevsky, G.P. Radiometric On-Orbit Calibration of the Aerosol-UA Mission Scanning Polarimeter: Technique, Design Elements, and Illumination Angles. Kinemat. Phys. Celest. Bodies 39, 49–69 (2023), Springer Nature
5. Milinevsky G., Oberemok Y., Syniavskyi I., Bovchaliuk A., Kolomiets I., Fesianov I., Wang Y. Calibration model of polarimeters on board the Aerosol-UA space mission. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. 2019, 229(5), 92–105. doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2019.03.007
6. Milinevsky, G.P., Grytsai, A.V., Evtushevsky, O.M., Klekociuk, A.R. Contributions to understanding climate interactions: stratospheric ozone. Monograph. Publishing House Akademperiodyka, Kyiv, Ukraine. 2022, 252p. https://doi.org/10.15407/academperiodyka.252.471.
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1. Evtushevsky O. M., Milinevsky G. P., Kravchenko V. O. Method of calibrating the brightness of extended over–atmospheric objects // Patents of Ukraine No. 17856А.
2. Ivchenko V. N, Evtushevsky A. M., Milinevsky G. P. Device for calibration of the brightness of extended objects // Patent of the Russian Federation, decision on extradition from March 25, 1998
3. Evtushevsky A. M., Milinevsky G. P. A method for measuring the brightness of artificial extended luminous formations in the ionosphere // Application No. 4758010/25, registry. 8.08.89, decision dated May 28, 1991
4. Dzyubenko N. I., Ivchenko V. N., Evtushevsky A. M., Milinevsky G.P. A method for determining the orientation of a magnetic field at the heights of an ionosphere of planets // AS No. 1492939, "Discoveries and Inventions", 1989, No. 25, p. 262.
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2009-2010 Atmospheric aerosol and ozone dynamics over Ukraine,Grant project of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
2010-2012 Atmospheric Aerosols Over Ukraine Studied by Combining Ground-based Measurements and Satellite Data, Grant project CRDF USA UKG2-2969-KV-09
2014- Development of software and hardware for calibration tools, collection and processing data for Aerosol-UA, Grant agreement of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Space Program
2019-2021 INTEGRATED MONITORING SYSTEM FOR THE POLAR REGIONS -INMORS, Grant project of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
2022-2025 International network for harmonization of atmospheric aerosol retrievals from ground based photometers, COST (European Cooperation in Science & amp; Technology)